Accurate, dependable appraisal services in El Paso and Douglas Counties.

No matter what type of home you possess, our experience and education as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in El Paso County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

We are the leading appraisal experts for-

  • Primary and Secondary Mortgages
  • Private Mortgage Insurance Removal
  • Estate Planning
  • Divorce Settlement
  • Tax Assessment Disputes
  • Retrospective Valuations
  • Employee Relocation
  • REO Valuations
  • Litigation
  • FHA 203K

Colorado Appraisal Advantage, LLC.


Technology plays a prominent part in how Colorado Appraisal Advantage, Inc. does business. It helps keep rates affordable while simultaneously achieving best in class quality and responsive service. And above everything, we keep in mind the importance of personalized customer service. This is our priority whether you're talking to us on the phone, in e-mail or talking in person. Our objective is an unbeatable experience for our customers. Call us. We guarantee you'll see the difference, too.

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